

A councillor is a member of the council and is normally elected for a term of four years. Next elections for all councillors are in 2027.

People of any political or religious persuasion are eligible to become a councillor, although their personal views should not extend into their parish council work. They are elected to represent the interests of the local community as a whole and promote a harmonious local environment.

The number of elected councillors depends on the size of the area. Cherry Burton Parish Council should have 9 councillors.

None of the current Councillors receive any pay or allowances.

Local councils are the first tier of governance and are the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. 


Councillor Peter Langley - Chairman 

Register of Interest

Councillor Stephen Peirson - Vice - Chairman (2)

Register of Interest

Councillor Paul Arandle (1)

Register of Interest

Councillor Anthony Baker (1)

Register of Interest

Councillor Barrie Dickinson

Register of Interest

Councillor Penny Gorton

Register of Interest

Councillor Robert Howe

Register of Interest

Councillor Jenny Powell (1)

Register of Interest

Councillor Miles Edward Morris Sutcliffe  (1), (2)

Register of Interest



(1) Elected member of the Sportsfield Management Committee

(2) Elected member of the Christmas Lights Committee


CBPC - Gifts and Hospitality register


Mrs Leanne Spruce-Wan


To contact any of the above Councillors please e-mail The Clerk at

ERYC Parish/Ward Councillors' Directory

ERYC Parish Councillors' Register of Interests

ERYC Ward Councillors - Beverley Rural Ward